We face enormous threats to our democracy. Growing active membership in far right, white nationalist and neo-Nazi groups have resulted in increased challenges to truth, justice and the common good. Physical attacks by these groups have been heightened, promoted and incited since the 2016 elections. The growing threat of fascism and white supremacy is spreading at an alarming rate, from Charlottesville to Pittsburgh, from Portland to New York, to the assaults on members of Congress in Washington, DC, to the murder of Asian women in Atlanta.

These groups have attacked immigrants, Muslims, Jews, Asians, Blacks, LatinX, LGBTQ+ communities, women, unionists, leftists, journalists, election officials, police, and members of Congress—seemingly with impunity. White supremacists have been incited to engage in violent hate crimes. They have gleefully heeded that encouragement, taking to the streets, weapons in hand.
Death threats against election officials, plots to kidnap governors, burning of Black Lives Matter banners, and invasion of the U.S. Capitol are ominous indications that Trumpism will unfortunately not end with the Trump presidency.
There is an urgent need to come together now to stop the rise of racism, fascism, and hate.